Tuesday, 26 August 2008

the grand tour crew would like to say a specially hello to granny who has just come back from holiday. we hope someone tells you how to read this and post a comment.

(if you are feeling exculded and would also like a 'shout out', please do not hesitate to ask and the grand tour crew would be pleased to oblige).


Unknown said...

I would definitely like a shout out, especially as I have historically been one of the most enthusiastic contributors of the blog response crew. And my comments are very funny. You should be most grateful, even if my japes are not nearly so adventurous as yours.


Unknown said...

By the way, are you still in Mongolia because you are waiting for your entry date to get into China? You've been there for yonks.

Unknown said...

glad things are still going well despite the high casualties amongst the wheel bearings.

Really busy here - we have a house!